To help facilitate a successful start of the school year, follow these steps to register your student. It is important to take time to review and complete the associated tasks by August 14th.
*If your student is not planning to attend Columbine High School this fall, please contact Linda Green, Enrollment Secretary, at 303-982-4418 as soon as possible.
Step 1. Infinite Campus Portal - Complete the “Annual Update Online Registration” (this is required to be completed by Sept. 13th). Click here for step by step instructions.
Did you forget your Infinite Campus Portal Username and/or Password? CLICK HERE for “Resetting my Jeffco Parent or Guardian Password or Username using Personal Account Manager [PAM] (Public: Enrollment & Registration)
Once logged in, click the “MORE” tab. Then click the “Annual Update Online Registration” option.
Update your account and verify household information, student information, emergency contact information, and sign agreements through the annual update process.
Important to note: Please make sure your email and phone numbers are accurate, as these are important resources for school communication as you will receive weekly communication from our school. If your student has a cell phone, it is helpful to list that number so staff can contact students directly.
Please make sure to acknowledge the agreements (communications, publications, conduct code, Technology Usage Agreement, FERPA, etc.) and update the Opt-Out information for media, yearbook or Hazel Health.
Step 2. Review and remit payment for 2024-25 student fees*
Fees will be available to pay on August 9th after 3pm, to coincide with the release of student schedules.
Families that need financial assistance can apply via the Meal Benefits Application. Fee waivers are connected to the Meals Benefit Application. This application needs to be completed each year for benefit eligibility. Click HERE for the application with instructions. Be sure to check the box to” share this information with the school” when applying.
Fee payment is accessible in Infinite Campus Parent Portal (click on the “MORE” tab). The Jeffco Student Fee Payment link is located under the heading Quick Links. Please review your student’s fees before remitting payment. If you anticipate a change/correction in their classes, please do not pay for those classes.
3. Student Meals - thanks to the passage of Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) in November 2022, all students will eat at no cost, regardless of their income eligibility.
A la carte items will be available for purchase, and money can be added to student accounts using School Café.
Despite meals being served at no cost for all students, beginning July 1, families need to complete a Meal Benefits Application on School Café. Completing this form is an important step in being considered eligible for other potential benefits the district may offer (i.e. waived class fees). Please complete the form by Oct. 1st.
To complete a Meal Benefits Application, log in to School Café or set up a new School Café account (you will need an account and may not complete a form as a "Guest").
For additional information regarding meal service, visit the Jeffco Public Schools/Food and Nutrition Services website.
*Questions about fees need to be directed to Financial Secretary, Kylie Smith, at [email protected] or call 303-982-2833
Step 4. Student Course Schedule:
Access Campus Portal to view student schedules (available on Friday, August 9th at 3 p.m.). Schedule changes will not be allowed, UNLESS there are scheduling errors (such as incorrect level of a class). It is encouraged to utilize Campus Portal frequently to check your student’s grades and attendance. Check out the Campus Portal Mobile App for convenience and quick notifications. This app allows you to get notifications on your phone when your student is absent, tardy, and/or missing an assignment in a class.
*Questions or problems in regards to Campus Portal? Call the CHS Main Office at 303-982-4400.
Step 5. Click the following links for additional start of school information: